Pancakes with maple syrup for dinner? Why not?! But wait, there is a twist. Potato pancakes, or latkes, are a staple for most Jewish holiday menus and typically use Idaho or baking potatoes….but not this recipe. This one uses sweet potatoes to give it a fall-ish feel and to give you another creative dish for the holiday table. Usually when I make the traditional latkes, people are grabbing seconds and thirds after ignoring the urge to stop when measuring how full they are. They are crispy, savory and addicting like French fries. Latkes are also typically served with applesauce and sour cream. Sounds strange but the combo really works.
My sweet potato latkes are on another level. This recipe includes shredded apples in the potato mix which is my play on the traditional recipe with applesauce. It also has maple syrup and cinnamon in the sour cream to give it that fall breakfast feel. I added a bit of crunchy pancetta on top for an extra smoky flavor…think bacon and syrup. Yup, now you see what I did there! The pancetta can be omitted for those that cannot eat pork and it will still be just as good.
Another bonus is that you no longer have to serve a boring casserole dish at your next holiday meal. Try something different! And don’t be surprised when that impulsive feeling surfaces to extend your hand and serve yourself another because you can’t help yourself, just blame it on the pancakes.
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Recipe provided by Chef Christy Robinson-Costello, Chef + Publisher of Eat.Local.Together